
Add a Goal

  • · Navigate to the Goals tab on the Menu
  • · Depending on your portal setup, there are different options available for the goal categories. 
  • · Click Add new goal to create your first goal for a Goal Category
  • · Click in the text box labeled ‘Short Term Goal’ and type out a small, attainable goal that can be measured. Then choose the expected completion date.
  • · Then enter your long term goal and choose an expected completion date
  • · Add the steps necessary to complete that goal along with dates for each step.
  • · Last, answer any additional questions related to your goals.

Multiple Goals per Category

  • · If your Organization allows it, you can create multiple goals per category. 
  • · Click the goal category name or use the Actions icon to view goals
  • · Click the Add New button to create another goal for the category
  • · Or – use the actions icon for an existing goal to Edit or Remove it.  

Export Goal Information

  • · Click to have the current Goal data sent to the email that you have on file
  • Mark a Goal & Task Complete

    • · Select the Goal that you would like to mark as ‘Complete’
    • · Check the green box in the upper right hand part of the module - ‘Goal Completed.’
    • · The timestamp of when the Goal was completed will appear under the Due Date
    • · Goal information will be recorded and accessible by Instructors and Admins
  • Mark a Task Complete

    • · Select a Goal that you are working on.
    • · Scroll down to the ‘Steps’ needed to complete that Goal
    • · Select the  to the right of the title of the ‘Step’
  • Select ‘Task Completed’